M29W160BT, M29W160BB
Table 7. Commands, 16-bit mode, BYTE = VIH
Auto Select
Unlock Bypass
Unlock Bypass
Unlock Bypass Reset
Chip Erase
Block Erase
Erase Suspend
Erase Resume
Security Data
Addr Data Addr Data
1 X F0
3 555 AA 2AA 55
3 555 AA 2AA 55
4 555 AA 2AA 55
3 555 AA 2AA 55
2 X A0 PA PD
2 X 90 X 00
6 555 AA 2AA 55
6+ 555 AA 2AA 55
1 X B0
1 X 30
1 X B8
Bus Write Operations
Addr Data Addr Data
X F0
555 90
555 A0 PA PD
555 20
555 80 555 AA
555 80 555 AA
Addr Data
2AA 55
2AA 55
Addr Data
555 10
BA 30
Table 8. Commands, 8-bit mode, BYTE = VIL
Bus Write Operations
Addr Data Addr Data Addr Data Addr Data Addr Data Addr Data
1 X F0
3 AAA AA 555 55 X F0
Auto Select
3 AAA AA 555 55 AAA 90
4 AAA AA 555 55 AAA A0 PA PD
Unlock Bypass
3 AAA AA 555 55 AAA 20
Unlock Bypass
2 X A0 PA PD
Unlock Bypass Reset 2 X 90 X 00
Chip Erase
6 AAA AA 555 55 AAA 80 AAA AA 555 55 AAA 10
Block Erase
6+ AAA AA 555 55 AAA 80 AAA AA 555 55 BA 30
Erase Suspend
1 X B0
Erase Resume
1 X 30
Security Data
1 X B8
Note: X Don’t Care, PA Program Address, PD Program Data, BA Any address in the Block.
All values in the table are in hexadecimal.
The Command Interface only uses A–1, A0-A10 and DQ0-DQ7 to verify the commands; A11-A19, DQ8-DQ14 and DQ15 are Don’t Care.
DQ15A–1 is A–1 when BYTE is VIL or DQ15 when BYTE is VIH.
Read/Reset. After a Read/Reset command, read the memory as normal until another command is issued.
Auto Select. After an Auto Select command, read Manufacturer ID, Device ID or Block Protection Status.
Program, Unlock Bypass Program, Chip Erase, Block Erase. After these commands read the Status Register until the Program/Erase
Controller completes and the memory returns to Read Mode. Add additional Blocks during Block Erase Command with additional Bus Writ e
Operations until Timeout Bit is set.
Unlock Bypass. After the Unlock Bypass command issue Unlock Bypass Program or Unlock Bypass Reset commands.
Unlock Bypass Reset. After the Unlock Bypass Reset command read the memory as normal until another command is issued.
Erase Suspend. After the Erase Suspend command read non-erasing memory blocks as normal, issue Auto Select and Program commands
on non-erasing blocks as normal.
Erase Resume. After the Erase Resume command the suspended Erase operation resumes, read the Status Register until the Program/
Erase Controller completes and the memory returns to Read Mode.
Security Data. After the Security Data command read the Security Memory Block. Use an address outside the Security Memory Block when
issuing the command.