2. DI, CL and CE Timing
LC78211, 78212, 78213
Data is read in on the rising edge of CL and latched on the falling edge of CE.
3. Notes on the Reset Pin
The states of the analog switches are undefined when power is first applied. However, it is possible to use the reset
pin to force all switches to the off state by connecting an RC circuit to this pin.
4. Using a CCB Bus with Multiple ICs
The LC78211, LC78212 and LC78213 retain their prior state until they receive data with a matching address.
5. Replacing Earlier Models
Caution is required when replacing an LC7821N, LC7823N and LC7823N with an LC78211, LC78212 and
LC78213, since the S pin threshold levels differ.
6. Handling of Unused Input Pins
We recommend connecting any unused switch pin to VSS through a resistor of up to a few 100 kΩ to prevent damage
from static electricity.
s No products described or contained herein are intended for use in surgical implants, life-support systems, aerospace
equipment, nuclear power control systems, vehicles, disaster/crime-prevention equipment and the like, the failure of
which may directly or indirectly cause injury, death or property loss.
s Anyone purchasing any products described or contained herein for an above-mentioned use shall:
x Accept full responsibility and indemnify and defend SANYO ELECTRIC CO., LTD., its affiliates, subsidiaries and
distributors and all their officers and employees, jointly and severally, against any and all claims and litigation and all
damages, cost and expenses associated with such use:
Not impose any responsibility for any fault or negligence which may be cited in any such claim or litigation on
SANYO ELECTRIC CO., LTD., its affiliates, subsidiaries and distributors or any of their officers and employees
jointly or severally.
s Information (including circuit diagrams and circuit parameters) herein is for example only; it is not guaranteed for
volume production. SANYO believes information herein is accurate and reliable, but no guarantees are made or implied
regarding its use or any infringements of intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties.
This catalog provides information as of July, 1996. Specifications and information herein are subject to change
without notice.
No. 4817-6/6