ISL6255, ISL6255A
The DCIN pin is the input of the internal 5V LDO. Connect it
to the AC adapter output. Connect a 0.1µF ceramic
capacitor from DCIN to CSON.
ACSET is an AC adapter detection input. Connect to a
resistor divider from the AC adapter output.
Open-drain output signals AC adapter is present. ACPRN
pulls low when ACSET is higher than 1.26V; and pulled high
when ACSET is lower than 1.26V.
DCSET is a lower voltage adapter detection input (like
aircraft power 15V).Allows the adapter to power the system
where battery charging has been disabled.
Open-drain output signals DC adapter is present. DCPRN
pulls low when DCSET is higher than 1.26V; and pulled high
when DCSET is lower than 1.26V.
EN is the Charge Enable input. Connecting EN to high
enables the charge control function, connecting EN to low
disables charging functions. Use with a thermistor to detect
a hot battery and suspend charging.
ICM is the adapter current output. The output of this pin
produces a voltage proportional to the adapter current.
PGND is the power ground. Connect PGND to the source of
the low side MOSFET.
VDD is an internal LDO output to supply IC analog circuit.
Connect a 1μF ceramic capacitor to ground.
VDDP is the supply voltage for the low-side MOSFET gate
driver. Connect a 4.7Ω resistor to VDD and a 1μF ceramic
capacitor to power ground.
ICOMP is a current loop error amplifier output.
VCOMP is a voltage loop amplifier output.
This pin is used to select the battery voltage. CELLS = VDD
for a 4S battery pack, CELLS = GND for a 3S battery pack,
CELLS = Float for a 2S battery pack.
VADJ adjusts battery regulation voltage. VADJ = VREF for
4.2V+5%/cell; VADJ = Floating for 4.2V/cell; VADJ = GND
for 4.2V-5%/cell. Connect to a resistor divider to program the
desired battery cell voltage between 4.2V-5% and 4.2V+5%.
CHLIM is the battery charge current limit set pin.CHLIM input
voltage range is 0.1V to 3.6V. When CHLIM = 3.3V, the set
point for CSOP-CSON is 165mV. The charger shuts down if
CHLIM is forced below 88mV.
ACLIM is the adapter current limit set pin. ACLIM = VREF for
100mV, ACLIM = Floating for 75mV, and ACLIM = GND for
50mV. Connect a resistor divider to program the adapter
current limit threshold between 50mV and 100mV.
VREF is a 2.39V reference output pin. It is internally
compensated. Do not connect a decoupling capacitor.
May 23, 2006