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IDT82P20416DBFG 데이터 시트보기 (PDF) - Integrated Device Technology

Integrated Device Technology 
IDT82P20416DBFG Datasheet PDF : 121 Pages
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‹ SDH/SONET multiplexers
‹ Central office or PBX (Private Branch Exchange)
‹ Digital access cross connects
‹ Remote wireless modules
‹ Microwave transmission systems
The IDT82P20416 is a 16-channel high-density T1/E1/J1 short haul
Line Interface Unit. Each channel of the IDT82P20416 can be indepen-
dently configured. The configuration is performed through a Serial
microprocessor interface.
In the receive path, through a Single Ended or Differential line inter-
face, the received signal is processed by an adaptive Equalizer and then
sent to a Slicer. Clock and data are recovered from the digital pulses
output from the Slicer. After passing through an enabled or disabled
Receive Jitter Attenuator, the recovered data is decoded using B8ZS/
AMI/HDB3 line code rule in Single Rail NRZ Format mode and output to
the system, or output to the system without decoding in Dual Rail NRZ
Format mode and Dual Rail RZ Format mode.
In the transmit path, the data to be transmitted is input on TDn in
Single Rail NRZ Format mode or TDPn/TDNn in Dual Rail NRZ Format
mode and Dual Rail RZ Format mode, and is sampled by a transmit
reference clock. The clock can be supplied externally from TCLKn or
recovered from the input transmit data by an internal Clock Recovery. A
selectable JA in Tx path is used to de-jitter gapped clocks. To meet T1/
E1/J1 waveform standards, five preset T1 templates, two E1 templates
and one J1 template, as well as an arbitrary waveform generator are
provided. The data through the Waveform Shaper, the Line Driver and
the Tx Transmitter is output on TTIPn and TRINGn.
Alarms (including LOS, AIS) and defects (including BPV, EXZ) are
detected in both receive line side and transmit system side. AIS alarm,
PRBS, ARB and IB patterns can be generated /detected in receive /
transmit direction for testing purpose. Analog Loopback, Digital Loop-
back and Remote Loopback are all integrated for diagnostics.
A line monitor function per T1.102 is available to provide a Non-Intru-
sive Monitoring of channels of other devices.
JTAG per IEEE 1149.1 is also supported by the IDT82P20416.
December 17, 2009

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