24, 25
FEC Lock
Bit 0. Viterbi Node Sync
When this bit is set to one, the Viterbi decoder has successfully
established node synchronization.
Bit 1. Frame Sync
When this bit is set to one, the FEC chip has successfully established
word sync and frame sync.
Bit 2. Viterbi Byte Sync
When this bit is set to one, the Viterbi decoder has successfully
established byte-synchronization.
Bit 3. Pi Ambiguity
When this bit is set to one, the Viterbi decoder has successfully
resolved pi ambiguity in the input data. (i.e inverted data)
Bit 4. Pi/2 Ambiguity
When this bit is set to one, the Viterbi decoder has successfully
resolved pi/2 ambiguity in the input data
Accumulated Reed Solomon Errors
These two registers present a count of corrected errors since it was last
reset. Bit 7 of address 1C is the MSB and bit 0 of address 1D is the
LSB. These registers are reset by writing value to address 10H.
Accumulated Reed Solomon Data
This register presents a count of the uncorrected code words since it
was last reset. When it reaches its maximum count(255), it rolls back
to zero
and starts counting again. This register is reset by writing value to
address 10H.
Device Identifier
This register present device identifier. The current value of this register
Reference Divider Test Output
Internal used Only.
Feedback Divider Test Output
Internal used Only.