HD404328 Series
Rev. 6.0
Sept. 1998
The HD404328 Series is an HMCS400-Series microcomputer designed to increase program productivity
and also to incorporate large-capacity memory. Each microcomputer has an LCD controller/driver, A/D
converter, and zero-crossing detection circuit. Each also has a 32.768-kHz oscillator and low-power
dissipation modes.
The HD404328 Series includes eight chips: the HD404324 and HD404324U with 4-kword ROM; the
HD404326 and HD404326U with 6-kword ROM; the HD404328 and HD404328U with 8-kword ROM;
the HD4074329 and HD4074329U with 16-kword PROM. The HD404324U, HD404326U, HD404328U
and HD4074329U are designed to reduce current dissipation in subactive mode and watch mode.
The HD4074329 and HD4074329U, which include PROM, are ZTAT™ microcomputers that can
dramatically shorten system development periods and smooth the process from debugging to mass
production. (The PROM program specifications are the same as for the 27256.)
• 4,096-word × 10-bit ROM (HD404324, HD404324U)
6,144-word × 10-bit ROM (HD404326, HD404326U)
• 8,192-word × 10-bit ROM (HD404328, HD404328U)
16,384-word × 10-bit PROM (HD4074329, HD4074329U)
• 280-digit × 4-bit RAM (HD404324, HD404324U, HD404326, HD404326U, HD404328, HD404328U)
536-digit × 4-bit RAM (HD4074329, HD4074329U)
• 35 I/O pins
2 input pins
33 input/output pins, including 8 high-current pins (15 mA, max.) and 16 pins multiplexed with
LCD segment pins
• Three timer/counters
• 8-bit clock-synchronous serial interface
• 8-bit × 4-channel A/D converter
• 12-digit LCD controller/driver (24 SEG × 4COM)
(HD404324U, HD404326U, HD404328U, HD4074329U: External LCD voltage division resistors are