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5962-89810 데이터 시트보기 (PDF) - HP => Agilent Technologies

5962-89810 Datasheet PDF : 12 Pages
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1. GND Pin should be the most negative
voltage at the detector side. Keeping
VCC as low as possible, but greater
than 2.0 V, will provide lowest total
IOH over temperature.
2. Output power is collector output
power plus total supply power for the
single channel device. For the dual
channel device, output power is
collector output power plus one half
the total supply power. For the quad
channel device, output power is
collector output power plus one
fourth of total supply power. Derate
at 1.66 mW/°C above 110°C.
3. Derate IF at 0.33 mA/°C above 110°C.
4. Each channel.
defined as the ratio of output
collector current, IO, to the forward
LED input current, IF, times 100%.
6. IOHX is the leakage current resulting
from channel to channel optical
crosstalk. IF = 2 µA for channel under
test. For all other channels,
IF = 10 mA.
7. All devices are considered two-
terminal devices; measured between
all input leads or terminals shorted
together and all output leads or
terminals shorted together.
8. Measured between each input pair
shorted together and all output
connections for that channel shorted
9. Measured between adjacent input
pairs shorted together for each multi-
channel device.
10. CML is the maximum rate of rise of
the common mode voltage that can be
sustained with the output voltage in
the logic low state (VO < 0.8 V). CMH
is the maximum rate of fall of the
common mode voltage that can be
sustained with the output voltage in
the logic high state (VO > 2.0 V).
11. In applications where dV/dt may
exceed 50,000 V/µs (such as a static
discharge) a series resistor, RCC,
should be included to protect the
detector ICs from destructively high
surge currents. The recommended
value is:
1 (V)
0.15 IF (mA)
for single channel;
1 (V)
0.3 IF (mA)
for dual channel;
1 (V)
0.6 IF (mA)
for quad channel.
12. This is a momentary withstand test,
not an operating condition.
13. Standard parts receive 100% testing
at 25°C (Subgroups 1 and 9). SMD
and 883B parts receive 100% testing
at 25,125, and -55°C (Subgroups 1
and 9, 2 and 10, 3 and 11,
14. Parameters tested as part of device
initial characterization and after
design and process changes.
Parameters guaranteed to limits
specified for all lots not specifically
15. The HCPL-6730, HCPL-6731, and
HCPL-673K dual channel parts
function as two independent single
channel units. Use the single channel
parameter limits.
16. Not required for 6N140A, 6N140A/
883B, HCPL-177K, HCPL-6750/51/
5K, 8302401, and 5962-9800201
17. Required for 6N140A, 6N140A/883B,
HCPL-177K, HCPL-6750/51/5K,
8302401, and 5962-9800201 types.

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