varying the voltage on the XTUNE pin. The total change (from one extreme to the other) in effective loading capacitance is 1.5pF
nominal, and the effect is shown in Error! Reference source not found.. The oscillator operates the crystal resonator in the parallel-
resonant mode. Crystal warping, or the "pulling" of the crystal oscillation frequency, is accomplished by altering the effective load
capacitance presented to the crystal by the oscillator circuit. The actual amount that changing the load capacitance alters the oscillator
frequency will be dependent on the characteristics of the crystal as well as the oscillator circuit itself.
The motional capacitance of the crystal (usually referred to by crystal manufacturers as C1), the static capacitance of the crystal (C0)
and the load capacitance (CL) of the oscillator determine the warping capability of the crystal in the oscillator circuit. A simple formula to
determine the total warping capability of a crystal is
C1 × (C L2 − C )L1 ×106
2 × (C0 + CL2)× (C0 + C )L1
where CL1 and CL2 are the two extremes of the applied load capacitance obtained from Table 11.
Example: A crystal with the following parameters is used with the FS6131. The total coarse tuning range is:
C1=0.02pF, C0=5.0pF, CL1=10.0pF, CL2=22.66pF
0.02 × (22.66 −10)×106
2 × (5 + 22.66)× (5 +10)
= 305 ppm
4.4.1. VCXO Tuning
The VCXO may be coarse tuned by a programmable adjustment of the crystal load capacitance via the XCT[3:0] control bits. See Table
11 for the control code and the associated loading capacitance.
The actual amount of frequency warping caused by the tuning capacitance will depend on the crystal used. The VCXO tuning
capacitance includes an external 6pF load capacitance (12pF from the XIN pin to ground and 12pF from the XOUT pin to ground). The
fine tuning capability of the VCXO can be enabled by setting the XLVTEN bit to a one, or disabled by setting it to a zero.
Error! Reference source not found. shows the typical effect of the coarse and fine tuning mechanisms. The total coarse tune range is
about 350ppm. The difference in VCXO frequency in parts per million (ppm) is shown as the fine tuning voltage on the XTUNE pin
varies from 0V to 5V. Note that as the crystal load capacitance is increased the VCXO frequency is pulled somewhat less with each
coarse step, and the fine tuning range decreases. The fine tuning range always overlaps a few coarse tuning ranges, eliminating the
possibility of holes in the VCXO response. The different crystal warping characteristics may change the scaling on the Y-axis, but not
the overall characteristic of the curves.
VCXO Range (ppm) vs. XTUNE Voltage (V)
XTUNE Voltage = 0.0V
XTUNE Voltage = 5.0V
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Coarse Tune Setting XCT[3:0]
Figure 11: VCXO Course and Fine Tuning
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