1G bits DDR2 SDRAM
EDE1104AASE (256M words × 4 bits)
EDE1108AASE (128M words × 8 bits)
The EDE1104AASE is a 1G bits DDR2 SDRAM
organized as 33,554,432 words × 4 bits × 8 banks.
The EDE1108AASE is a 1G bits DDR2 SDRAM
organized as 16,777,216 words × 8 bits × 8 banks.
They are packaged in 68-ball FBGA (µBGA) package.
• Power supply: VDD, VDDQ = 1.8V ± 0.1V
• Double-data-rate architecture: two data transfers per
clock cycle
• Bi-directional, differential data strobe (DQS and
/DQS) is transmitted/received with data, to be used in
capturing data at the receiver
• DQS is edge aligned with data for READs: center-
aligned with data for WRITEs
• Differential clock inputs (CK and /CK)
• DLL aligns DQ and DQS transitions with CK
• Commands entered on each positive CK edge: data
and data mask referenced to both edges of DQS
• 8 internal banks for concurrent operation
• Data mask (DM) for write data
• Burst lengths: 4, 8
• /CAS Latency (CL): 3, 4, 5
• Auto precharge operation for each burst access
• Auto refresh and self refresh modes
• Average refresh period
7.8µs at 0°C ≤ TC ≤ +85°C
3.9µs at +85°C < TC ≤ +95°C
• SSTL_18 compatible I/O
• Posted CAS by programmable additive latency for
better command and data bus efficiency
• Off-Chip-Driver Impedance Adjustment and On-Die-
Termination for better signal quality
• Programmable RDQS, /RDQS output for making × 8
organization compatible to × 4 organization
• /DQS, (/RDQS) can be disabled for single-ended
Data Strobe operation.
• FBGA (µBGA) package with lead free solder
Document No. E0404E20 (Ver. 2.0)
Date Published April 2005 (K) Japan
Printed in Japan
Elpida Memory, Inc. 2003-2005