ter is read. The on-chip registers are initialized to
the following default states:
Configuration Register:
Offset Registers:
Gain Registers:
Channel Setup Registers:
After reset, the RS bit should be written back to
logic 0 to complete the reset cycle. The ADC will
return to the command mode where it waits for a
valid command. Also, the RS bit is the only bit in
the configuration register that can be set when ini-
tiating a reset (i.e. a second write command is need-
ed to set other bits in the Configuration Register
after the RS bit has been cleared).
2.3.3. Input Short
The input short bit allows the user to internally
ground all the inputs of the multiplexer. This is a
useful function because it allows the user to easily
test the grounded input performance of the ADC
and eliminate the noise effects due to the external
system components.
2.3.4. Guard Signal
The guard signal bit modifies the function of A0.
When set, this bit outputs the common mode volt-
age of the instrumentation amplifier on A0. This
feature is useful when the user wants to connect an
external shield to the common mode potential of
the instrumentation amplifier to protect against
leakage. Figure 8 illustrates a typical connection di-
agram for the guard signal.
2.3.5. Voltage Reference Select
The voltage reference select (VRS) bit selects the
size of the sampling capacitor used to sample the
voltage reference. The bit should be set based upon
the magnitude of the reference voltage to achieve
optimal performance. Figures 9 and 10 model the
effects on the reference’s input impedance and in-
put current for each VRS setting. As the models
show, the reference includes a coarse/fine charge
buffer which reduces the dynamic current demand
of the external reference.
The reference’s input buffer is designed to accom-
modate rail-to-rail (common-mode plus signal) in-
put voltages. The differential voltage between the
VREF+ and VREF- can be any voltage from 1.0 V
up to the analog supply (depending on how VRS is
configured), however, the VREF+ cannot go above
VA+ and the VREF- pin can not go below VA-.
Note that the power supplies to the chip should be
established before the reference voltage.
2.3.6. Output Latch Pins
The A1-A0 pins of the ADCs mimic the D21-
D20/D5-D4 bits of the channel-setup registers if
the output latch select (OLS) bit is logic 0 (default).
If the OLS bit is logic 1, A1-A0 mimic the output
latch bit settings in the configuration register.
These two options give the user a choice of allow-
ing the latch outputs to change anytime a different
CSR is selected for a conversion, or to allow the
latch bits to remain latched to a fixed state (deter-
mined by the configuration register bit) for all CSR
selections. In either case, A1-A0 can be used to
control external multiplexers and other logic func-
tions outside the converter. The A1-A0 outputs can
sink or source at least 1 mA, but it is recommended
to limit drive currents to less than 20 µA to reduce
self-heating of the chip. These outputs are powered
V IN +
Com m on M ode = 2.5 V
A IN +
C S 5 5 3 1/3 2 /3 3 /3 4
+5 VA +
out p
center x1
A IN -
out m
Figure 8. Guard Signal Shielding Scheme