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AS2333 데이터 시트보기 (PDF) - Unspecified

AS2333 Datasheet PDF : 10 Pages
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Secondary Side Housekeeping Circuit
Theory of Operation
The AS23xx performs housekeeping functions
for power supplies, especially switching power
supplies for personal computers. The chip re-
sides on the secondary side of the power supply
(PSU), and it performs three primary functions:
1) monitors the output voltages and reports
2) sequences the start-up of the PSU
3) sequences the shutdown of the PSU
Section 1 - Output Voltages and Faults
1.0 Output Voltage Monitoring
The AS23xx monitors the standard voltage out-
puts for PC type power supplies. It has inputs for
+12 V, +5 V, +3.3 V, -5 V and -12 V. These inputs
are tied directly to the outputs of the PSU, and
therefore do not require external dividers to set
the error thresholds. These pins are monitored
for both overvoltage (OV) and undervoltage (UV)
conditions. The spec’s for these thresholds are
listed in the data sheet.
1.1 Overvoltage Faults: FAULT and CBD
An overvoltage condition in a power supply is
considered to be a catastrophic and dangerous
condition which must result in a safe, complete
and near-instantaneous shutdown of the sys-
tem. Overvoltages most often result from a
break in the system feedback and control cir-
cuitry or from a short between outputs. When the
AS23xx detects an overvoltage, the fault is
latched internally, and the FAULT and CBD pins
go high. The FAULT pin is an open collector
NPN output which is intended to drive an
optocoupler LED for feedback to the primary
side controller of the PSU. The CBD pin is an
NPN Darlington output which is intended to drive
an SCR crowbar circuit which will short circuit
the outputs of the PSU. Usually, just one or the
other output is used depending on the PSU’s cost
and system definition. Both methods are in-
tended to protect the customer’s system, and the
customer, as the first priority.
1.2 Undervoltage Faults: POK and FAULT
An undervoltage condition is sometimes not con-
sidered a catastrophic or dangerous condition,
but always one which the customer should be
warned about. The POK signal is a logic line to
the customer’s system that is specified in most
PC type power supply systems. The AS23xx will
pull the POK signal low when a UV fault is
detected. A UV fault may or may not require the
system to shut down, so an undervoltage blank-
ing pin is provided (UVB). Grounding this pin will
prevent UV faults from propogating to the FAULT
pin. CBD does not react to UV faults.
1.3 Input Undervoltage: AC and HYST
In addition, there is a special undervoltage detec-
tion input for sensing the input voltage to the
power supply, designated as the AC pin. This pin
will cause the POK pin to go low if there is
insufficient voltage to run the PSU outputs. Since
power supplies must maintain high voltage isola-
tion between the primary and secondary sides of
the system, the AC pin is usually tied to a divided
down and filtered representation of the second-
ary side switching waveform. Hysteresis for this
function, to provide immunity from line ripple, is
configured by the PSU designer and is imple-
mented with the HYST pin, which is an open
collector output of the AC comparator.
Section 2 - PSU Start-up Sequences
2.0 System Start-up Sequence
When the power supply starts up, the AS23xx
must not erroneously report a FAULT. In addi-
tion, most PC type power supply specifications
ASTEC Semiconductor

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