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AS2316D 데이터 시트보기 (PDF) - Unspecified

AS2316D Datasheet PDF : 10 Pages
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Secondary Side Housekeeping Circuit
3.1 Delaying Remote OFF: DELAY
In systems which use the OFF and FAULT pins
to provide remote on/off switching, the delay
between the OFF pin going high and the FAULT
signal going high is programmable with a capaci-
tor to ground on the DELAY pin as described in
2.5 above. The POK pin, on the other hand will
go high immediately after the OFF pin is open
circuited or pulled high, giving the system warn-
ing of the impending shutdown. The DELAY pin
provides a 1 µA current source to charge the
cap, and when the cap charges above 2.5 V, the
FAULT pin will go high.
3.2 AC Warning Prior to Primary Drop-out
In systems where the input line voltage is
switched, the AC pin threshold should be set so
that it causes POK to go low before the primary
bulk voltage reaches drop-out and the primary
PWM shuts off. The output of the AC comparator
also causes the UVB pin to pull low, so that the
undervoltage sensing does not trip the FAULT
latch as the outputs fall below spec. Recall that
the AC pin senses a divided down and filtered
representation of the secondary side switching
waveform, which will provide a proportional rep-
resentation of the primary voltage via the turns
ratio of the transformer.
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