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ADSP-21991 데이터 시트보기 (PDF) - Analog Devices

Analog Devices 
ADSP-21991 Datasheet PDF : 44 Pages
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Table 2. Interrupt Priorities/Addresses
User Assigned Interrupt
User Assigned Interrupt
User Assigned Interrupt
—Lowest Priority
Vector Address
0x00 01A0
0x00 01C0
0x00 01E0
There is no assigned priority for the peripheral interrupts after
reset. To assign the peripheral interrupts a different priority,
applications write the new priority to their corresponding control
bits (determined by their ID) in the Interrupt Priority Control
Interrupt routines can either be nested with higher priority inter-
rupts taking precedence or processed sequentially. Interrupts can
be masked or unmasked with the IMASK register. Individual
interrupt requests are logically ANDed with the bits in IMASK;
the highest priority unmasked interrupt is then selected. The
emulation, power-down, and reset interrupts are nonmaskable
with the IMASK register, but software can use the DIS INT
instruction to mask the power-down interrupt.
The Interrupt Control (ICNTL) register controls interrupt
nesting and enables or disables interrupts globally.
The IRPTL register is used to force and clear interrupts. On-chip
stacks preserve the processor status and are automatically main-
tained during interrupt handling. To support interrupt, loop, and
subroutine nesting, the PC stack is 33 levels deep, the loop stack
is 8 levels deep, and the status stack is 16 levels deep. To prevent
stack overflow, the PC stack can generate a stack level interrupt
if the PC stack falls below 3 locations full or rises above 28
locations full.
The following instructions globally enable or disable interrupt
servicing, regardless of the state of IMASK.
At reset, interrupt servicing is disabled.
For quick servicing of interrupts, a secondary set of DAG and
computational registers exist. Switching between the primary
and secondary registers lets programs quickly service interrupts,
while preserving the state of the DSP.
Peripheral Interrupt Controller
The Peripheral Interrupt Controller is a dedicated peripheral unit
of the ADSP-21991 (accessed via IO mapped registers). The
peripheral interrupt controller manages the connection of up to
32 peripheral interrupt requests to the DSP core.
For each peripheral interrupt source, there is a unique 4-bit code
that allows the user to assign the particular peripheral interrupt
to any one of the 12 user assignable interrupts of the embedded
ADSP-219x core. Therefore, the peripheral interrupt controller
of the ADSP-21991 contains eight, 16-bit Interrupt Priority
Registers (Interrupt Priority Register 0 (IPR0) to Interrupt
Priority Register 7 (IPR7)).
Each Interrupt Priority Register contains a four 4-bit codes; one
specifically assigned to each peripheral interrupt. The user may
write a value between 0x0 and 0xB to each 4-bit location in order
to effectively connect the particular interrupt source to the cor-
responding user assignable interrupt of the ADSP-219x core.
Writing a value of 0x0 connects the peripheral interrupt to the
USR0 user assignable interrupt of the ADSP-219x core while
writing a value of 0xB connects the peripheral interrupt to the
USR11 user assignable interrupt. The core interrupt USR0 is the
highest priority user interrupt, while USR11 is the lowest priority.
Writing a value between 0xC and 0xF effectively disables the
peripheral interrupt by not connecting it to any ADSP-219x core
interrupt input. The user may assign more than one peripheral
interrupt to any given ADSP-219x core interrupt. In that case,
the onus is on the user software in the interrupt vector table to
determine the exact interrupt source through reading status bits.
This scheme permits the user to assign the number of specific
interrupts that are unique to their application to the interrupt
scheme of the ADSP-219x core. The user can then use the
existing interrupt priority control scheme to dynamically control
the priorities of the 12 core interrupts.
Low Power Operation
The ADSP-21991 has four low power options that significantly
reduce the power dissipation when the device operates under
standby conditions. To enter any of these modes, the DSP
executes an IDLE instruction. The ADSP-21991 uses the con-
figuration of the PD, STCK, and STALL bits in the PLLCTL
register to select between the low power modes as the DSP
executes the IDLE instruction. Depending on the mode, an
IDLE shuts off clocks to different parts of the DSP in the different
modes. The low power modes are:
Power-Down Core
Power-Down Core/Peripherals
Power-Down All
Idle Mode
When the ADSP-21991 is in Idle mode, the DSP core stops
executing instructions, retains the contents of the instruction
pipeline, and waits for an interrupt. The core clock and peripheral
clock continue running.
To enter Idle mode, the DSP can execute the IDLE instruction
anywhere in code. To exit Idle mode, the DSP responds to an
interrupt and (after two cycles of latency) resumes executing
Power-Down Core Mode
When the ADSP-21991 is in Power-Down Core mode, the DSP
core clock is off, but the DSP retains the contents of the pipeline
and keeps the PLL running. The peripheral bus keeps running,
letting the peripherals receive data.
REV. 0

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