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ADMC330 데이터 시트보기 (PDF) - Analog Devices

Analog Devices 
ADMC330 Datasheet PDF : 20 Pages
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Similar modifications can be made to Phases B and C using Bits
7 and 6, respectively, of the PWMSEG register. Six bits of the
PWMSEG register (Bits 0 . . . 5) are used to independently
enable/disable any individual PWM output pins. For example,
setting Bits 0 and 1 high disables PWM outputs CH and CL,
which keeps these outputs off over the full PWM period regard-
less of the value in the PWMCHC register. This feature is not
only useful for ECM control, but is also required in some space
vector modulation schemes. Modifications to the PWMSEG
register only become effective at the start of each PWM cycle. In
the transparent (default) mode, all bits in PWMSEG are set low.
Consider the situation shown in Figure 3 for operation of an
ECM with the AH and BL power devices active. The PWM
duty cycle registers, PWMCHA and PWMCHB, are programmed
with the appropriate on-time value. Since all three PWM regis-
ters must be written to trigger an update of the PWM, it is neces-
sary to write also to PWMCHC. For this example, the particular
value written to this register is unimportant. Subsequently,
crossover bit of the PWMSEG register for Phase B (Bit 7) is set
to enable crossover of the Phase B signals. The PWM outputs
for Phase C high and low, Phase B high and Phase A low are
disabled by setting Bits 0, 1, 2 and 5 of the PWMSEG register.
In this example, the appropriate value for the PWMSEG register
is 0x00A7. In addition, high side chopping of the signal AH is
enabled by setting Bit 8 of the PWMGATE register.
Figure 3. PWM Output Waveforms for an ECM with
Inverter Devices AH and BL Active
Known limitation of the ECM block. Modifying the PWMSEG
register while the PWM duty cycle transitions from a full-ON
state to any other state will cause both the high side and low
side devices to switch on for 50 ns. This potentially volatile
condition can be avoided by:
Disabling the PWM channel outputs during the transition
from full-ON to any other state.
Preventing the full-ON condition namely limiting PWMCHx to:
PWMCHx PWMTM –2 × (PWMDT + 1), with PWMPD = 0.
Preventing a PWMSEG update operation during the transi-
tion from full-ON to any other state.
Gate Drive Unit
The Gate Drive Unit adds features that simplify the interface to
a variety of gate drive circuits for PWM inverters. If a trans-
former coupled power device gate drive amplifier is used, the
active PWM signal must be chopped at a high frequency of up
to 5 MHz. The chopped active PWM signals may be required
for the high side drivers only or for both high side and low side.
The gate drive chopping feature is enabled by Bits 8 and 9 of the
PWMGATE register. Setting Bit 8 enables a chopped PWM
signal on all high side output pins AH, BH and CH, setting
Bit 9 enables a chopped PWM signal on all low side output pins
AL, BL and CL. The gate chopping frequency is programmed
using Bits 0–5 of the PWMGATE register. The gate drive chop-
ping frequency is given by the following equation:
f chop
where GATETM is the 6-bit value in Bits 0 . . . 5 of the
PWMGATE register.
Depending on the type of power device gate drive circuit used,
either active high or active low, PWM signals will be required,
so an external PWM polarity pin is provided. The polarity of the
PWMPOL pin determines the active polarity of the PWM out-
put signals (i.e., a low PWMPOL pin means active low PWM).
This must be set by hardware because even though the ADMC330
will power up with all PWM outputs off, the correct polarity of
an off PWM signal is a function of the gate drive circuit only.
The level on the PWMPOL pin is available in Bit 2 of the
SYSSTAT register.
External PWM Trip
In fault conditions the power devices must be switched off as soon
as possible after the fault has been detected, hence an external
hardware PWM trip input is provided. A low going PWMTRIP
pulse will reset the PWM block which will disable all PWM
outputs. This will also generate a PWMTRIP interrupt signal
and cause a DSP interrupt. The PWMTRIP pin is accessible
through Bit 0 of SYSSTAT so that the DSP can determine
when the external fault has been cleared. At this point, a full
initialization of the PWM controller will be required to restart
the PWM.
The analog input block is a 12-bit resolution analog data acqui-
sition system. A single slope type ADC is implemented by timing
the crossover between the analog input and a sawtooth refer-
ence ramp. A simple voltage comparator is used to latch the output
of a reference counter timer circuit when the crossover is detected.
There are seven input channels to the ADC of which three (V1,
V2 and V3) have dedicated comparators. The remaining four
inputs (VAUX0, VAUX1, VAUX2 and VAUX3) are multi-
plexed into the fourth comparator channel. This allows four
conversions per PWM period to be performed by the ADC. The
particular input signal that is fed to the fourth comparator input
is selected using the ADCMUX0 and ADCMUX1 bits of the
peripheral control register, MODECTRL. The settings of these
two control bits in order to select the appropriate auxiliary ana-
log input is shown in Table I.
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