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AD9142 데이터 시트보기 (PDF) - Analog Devices

AD9142 Datasheet PDF : 65 Pages
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Data Sheet
Dual, 16-Bit, 1600 MSPS, TxDAC+
Digital-to-Analog Converter
Very small inherent latency variation: <2 DAC clock cycles
Proprietary low spurious and distortion design
6-carrier GSM ACLR = 79 dBc at 200 MHz IF
SFDR > 85 dBc (bandwidth = 300 MHz) at ZIF
Flexible 16-bit LVDS interface
Supports word and byte load
Multiple chip synchronization
Fixed latency and data generator latency compensation
Selectable 2×, 4×, 8× interpolation filter
Low power architecture
fS/4 power saving coarse mixer
Input signal power detection
Emergency stop for downstream analog circuitry
FIFO error detection
On-chip numeric control oscillator allows carrier placement
anywhere in the DAC Nyquist bandwidth
Transmit enable function for extra power saving
High performance, low noise PLL clock multiplier
Digital gain and phase adjustment for sideband suppression
Digital inverse sinc filter
Supports single DAC mode
Low power: 2.0 W at 1.6 GSPS, 1.7 W at 1.25 GSPS, full
operating conditions
72-lead LFCSP
Wireless communications: 3G/4G and MC-GSM base stations,
wideband repeaters, software defined radios
Wideband communications: point-to-point, LMDS/MMDS
Transmit diversity/MIMO
Automated test equipment
The AD9142 is a dual, 16-bit, high dynamic range digital-to-
analog converter (DAC) that provides a sample rate of 1600 MSPS,
permitting a multicarrier generation up to the Nyquist frequency.
The AD9142 TxDAC+® includes features optimized for direct
conversion transmit applications, including complex digital mod-
ulation, input signal power detection, and gain, phase, and offset
compensation. The DAC outputs are optimized to interface
seamlessly with analog quadrature modulators, such as the
ADL537x F-MOD series and the ADRF670x series from Analog
Devices, Inc. A 3-wire serial port interface provides for the pro-
gramming/readback of many internal parameters. Full-scale
output current can be programmed over a range of 9 mA to 33 mA.
The AD9142 is available in a 72-lead LFCSP.
1. Advanced low spurious and distortion design techniques
provide high quality synthesis of wideband signals from
baseband to high intermediate frequencies.
2. Very small inherent latency variation simplifies both software
and hardware design in the system. It allows easy multichip
synchronization for most applications.
3. New low power architecture improves power efficiency
(mW/MHz/channel) by 30%.
4. Input signal power and FIFO error detection simplify
designs for downstream analog circuitry protection.
5. Programmable transmit enable function allows easy design
balance between power consumption and wakeup time.
Rev. 0
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