Preliminary Technical Data
The AD7298 has a number of different modes of operation, which are designed to provide additional flexibility for the user. These options
can be chosen by programming the content of the control register to select the desired mode.
The AD7298 can operate as a traditional multi-channel ADC, where each serial transfer selects the next channel for conversion. One must
write to the control register to configure and select the desired input channel prior to initiating any conversions. In traditional mode of
operation, the CS signal is used to frame the first write to the converter on the DIN pin. In this mode of operation the REPEAT bits in the
control register is set to a low logic level, 0, hence the REPEAT function is not in use. The data, which appears on the DOUT pin during the
initial write to the control register, is invalid. The first CS falling edge will initiate a write to the control register to configure the device, a
conversion is then initiated for the selected analog input channel (VIN1) on the subsequent (2nd) CS falling edge, the third CS falling edge
will have the result (VIN1) available for reading. The AD7298 operates with one cycle latency; hence the conversion result corresponding
to each conversion is available once serial read cycle after the cycle in which the conversion was initiated.
As the device operates with one cycle latency, the control register configuration sets up the configuration for the next conversion, which
is initiated on the next CS falling edge but the first bit of the corresponding result is not clocked out until the subsequent falling CS edge
as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Configuring a conversion and read with the AD7298. One channel selected for conversion.
If more than one channel is selected in the control register, the AD7298 will convert all selected channels sequentially in ascending order
on successive CS falling edges. Once all the selected channels in the control register are converted the AD7298 will cease converting until
the user rewrites to the control register to select the next channel for conversion. This operation is shown in Figure 4
Figure 4. Configuring a conversion and read with the AD7298. Numerous channels selected for conversion
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