Current Limit
Motor current is sensed on ISENSE (pin 16). RLIMIT should
be selected so that
For a 2A current limit, RLIMIT = 0.25W. The 1kW resistor
and 330pF capacitor filter (shown in figure 3) filter the
high frequency flyback pulses (due to the freewheeling
diode recovery currents) occurring at the output. When
IMAX is reached the output power will be turned off for
the remainder of the current PWM cycle, which is
asynchronous with the sinewave frequency. Thus current
limit is fixed-period with variable duty cycle.
PWM SINE Controller
This circuit block compares the sinewaves at SINEA and
SINEB to the sampled inputs SENSEA–SENSEC and
SENSEB–SENSEC, respectively. The PWM loop then
drives the outputs to force these “differential” waveforms
to equal the internal reference waveforms at SINEA and
SINEB. The differential signals SENSEA–SENSEC and
SENSEB–SENSEC will be approximately 1.7 volts zero-
peak maximum. The signals at these pins should be
filtered to remove the PWM frequency. The high voltages
at the motor terminals are divided down to 1.7V to
provide voltage feedback to the controller. In figure 3,
the resistors to ground from SENSEA (pin 1) and SENSEB
(pin 3) should be 1kW. SENSEC (pin 2) should have a
500W to ground because it has 1/2 the input impedance
of the other 2 inputs. The 0.15mF capacitors to ground on
SENSEA and SENSEB and the 0.3mF capacitor to ground
on SENSEC will create a 1kHz low pass filter at these
inputs. VPEAK on the motor is set by the divider ratios.
For the values shown in figure 3:
(VSPEED = 4.4V)
99k +
= 1.7V 49.55k0+0500
= 170V
The 6 output drivers of the ML4423 drive the H and L
outputs from 0 to 12 volts (with pin 25 tied to VCC+(12V)).
The outputs will drive about 10mA and are designed to
drive output buffers and high side drivers requiring 12V
swings. The ML4423 provides lower current 0 to 5V drive
for high/low side drivers requiring 5V input signal swings
with pin 25 left unconnected.
A dead time circuit is provided to prevent shoot through
currents in the power output stage. The dead time is
controlled by a resistor to ground on RDT (pin 9). The dead
time selected should be large enough to prevent cross
conduction between the upper and lower power devices
of each inverter phase leg.
( ) tDEAD = 1.2 × 10−11 RDB
With fPWM = 25kHz, the PWM period is 40ms. With RDB
= 166k, tDEAD = 2ms (~5%).
CGM1 and CGM2
These two external capacitors to ground each set a pole in
the forward path of the feedback loop in conjunction with
a gm of 1/650W. The pole should be placed at a frequency
higher than the PWM frequency.
> fPWM
The ML4423 provides all the signals necessary to drive
the output power stage connected to the motor. The
components around the ML4423 for a typical application
are shown in figure 3. The motor DC supply voltage
should be greater than the largest signal waveform
required or output clipping may result. Figure 4 shows an
alternate circuit using the IR2118.