Philips Semiconductors
4-bit binary full adder with fast carry
Product specification
(1) HC : VM = 50%; VI = GND to VCC.
HCT: VM = 1.3 V; VI = GND to 3 V.
Fig.6 Waveforms showing the inputs (CIN, An, Bn)
to the outputs (∑n, COUT) propagation delays
and the output transition times.
Fig.7 3-bit adder.
Fig.8 2-bit and 1-bit adder.
Fig.9 5-input encoder.
Notes to Figs 7 to 10
Figure 7 shows a 3-bit adder using the “283”. Tying the
operand inputs of the fourth adder (A3, B3) LOW makes ∑3
dependent on, and equal to, the carry from the third adder.
Based on the same principle, Figure 8 shows a method of
dividing the “283” into a 2-bit and 1-bit adder. The third
stage adder (A2, B2, ∑ 2) is used simply as means of
transferring the carry into the fourth stage (via A2 and B2)
and transferring the carry from the second stage on ∑ 2.
Note that as long as long as A2 and B2 are the same, HIGH
or LOW, they do not influence ∑ 2. Similarly, when A2 and
B2 are the same, the carry into the third stage does not
influence the carry out of the third stage. Figure 9 shows a
method of implementing a 5-input encoder, where the
Fig.10 5-input majority gate.
inputs are equally weighted. The outputs ∑ 0, ∑1 and ∑ 2
produce a binary number equal to the number inputs (I1 to
I5) that are HIGH. Figure 10 shows a method of
implementing a 5-input majority gate. When three or more
inputs (I1 to I5) are HIGH, the output M5 is HIGH.
See “74HC/HCT/HCU/HCMOS Logic Package Outlines”.
December 1990