3. System Considerations
Switching between active and standby conditions via the Chip Enable pin may produce tran-
sient voltage excursions. Unless accommodated by the system design, these transients may
exceed datasheet limits, resulting in device non-conformance. At a minimum, a 0.1 µF high
frequency, low inherent inductance, ceramic capacitor should be utilized for each device. This
capacitor should be connected between the VCC and Ground terminals of the device, as close
to the device as possible. Additionally, to stabilize the supply voltage level on printed circuit
boards with large EPROM arrays, a 4.7 µF bulk electrolytic capacitor should be utilized, again
connected between the VCC and Ground terminals. This capacitor should be positioned as
close as possible to the point where the power supply is connected to the array.
4. Block Diagram
5. Absolute Maximum Ratings*
Temperature Under Bias................................ -55°C to +125°C
Storage Temperature ..................................... -65°C to +150°C
Voltage on Any Pin with
Respect to Ground .........................................-2.0V to +7.0V(1)
Voltage on A9 with
Respect to Ground ......................................-2.0V to +14.0V(1)
VPP Supply Voltage with
Respect to Ground .......................................-2.0V to +14.0V(1)
Integrated UV Erase Dose............................. 7258 W•sec/cm2
Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute
Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent
damage to the device. This is a stress rating
only and functional operation of the device at
these or any other conditions beyond those
indicated in the operational sections of this
specification is not implied. Exposure to abso-
lute maximum rating conditions for extended
periods may affect device reliability.
Note: 1. Minimum voltage is -0.6V DC which may undershoot to -2.0V for pulses of less than 20 ns. Maximum output pin voltage is
VCC + 0.75V DC which may overshoot to +7.0V for pulses of less than 20 ns.