LC75366, 75366M
Loudness Function External Circuit Constant Calculation Example
First, refer to the LC75366 and LC75366M 10 dB step internal equivalent circuit shown on page 5. Figure 1 below
shows this circuit simplified with the external components used for the loudness function connected for this calculation.
The sample calculation below uses this diagram to acquire a 5 dB boost at f = 100 Hz.
(f = 100 Hz, 5 dB boost)
Let R and C in Figure 1 be:
R1 = R2 = 10 kΩ
R3 = 1 kΩ
C1 = Z1, C2 = Z2
R2 (R3 + Z2)
(at = 1 kHz)
R2 + R3 + Z2
R1 · Z1
R1 + Z1
R2 (R3 + Z2)
R2 + R3 + Z2
= –20 dB
R2 (R3 + 10 · Z2)
(at = 100 Hz)
R2 + R3 + 10 · Z2
R1 · 10 · Z1 R2 (R3 + 10 · Z2)
R1 + 10 · Z1 + R2 + R3 + 10 · Z2
= –15 dB
Solving the above equations gives:
Z1 ≠ 178.3 kΩ and Z2 = 176 Ω
No. 4929-10/11