MB91260B Series
Pin no.
Pin Circuit
QFP LQFP name type
46 44
Analog input terminal of A/D converter.
This function becomes valid when set the corresponding AICR0 resister to
G analog input.
General purpose input/output port.
This function becomes valid when set the corresponding AICR0 resister to port.
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Analog input terminal of A/D converter.
This function becomes valid when set the corresponding AICR0 resister to
G analog input.
General purpose input/output port.
This function becomes valid when set the corresponding AICR0 resister to port.
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Analog input terminal of A/D converter.
This function becomes valid when set the corresponding AICR0 resister to
G analog input.
General purpose input/output port.
This function becomes valid when set the corresponding AICR0 resister to port.
Waveform generator output terminal of multi-function timer.
This terminal outputs waveform set at the waveform generator.
This function becomes valid when waveform generator output of multi-function
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J timer is set to enabled.
General purpose input/output port.
This function becomes valid when output of waveform generator is set to disabled.
Waveform generator output terminal of multi-function timer.
This terminal outputs waveform set at the waveform generator.
This function becomes valid when waveform generator output of multi-function
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J timer is set to enabled.
General purpose input/output port.
This function becomes valid when output of waveform generator is set to disabled.
Waveform generator output terminal of multi-function timer.
This terminal outputs waveform set at the waveform generator.
This function becomes valid when waveform generator output of multi-function
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J timer is set to enabled.
General purpose input/output port.
This function becomes valid when output of waveform generator is set to disabled.
Waveform generator output terminal of multi-function timer.
This terminal outputs waveform set at the waveform generator.
This function becomes valid when waveform generator output of multi-function
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J timer is set to enabled.
General purpose input/output port.
This function becomes valid when output of waveform generator is set to disabled.