Integrated Multi-Port PCI Gateway Solution
Rev. 1.5
General Description
The CENTAUR KS8695P, Multi-Port PCI Gateway
Solution, delivers a new level of networking integration,
performance, and overall BOM cost savings, enabling
original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to provide
customers with feature-rich, low-cost solutions for the
residential gateway and small office environment.
• Integration of a PCI arbiter supporting three external
– Allows incorporation of a variety of productivity
enhancing system interfaces, including the expanding
802.11 a/g/b wireless LAN.
• High-performance ARM™ CPU (ARM9) with 8KB
I-cache, 8KB D-cache, and a memory management unit
(MMU) for Linux and WinCE® support.
• XceleRouter™ technology to accelerate packet
• Proven wire-speed switching technology that includes
802.1Q tag-based VLAN and quality of service (QoS)
• Five patented mixed-signal, low-powered Fast Ethernet
transceivers with corresponding media access control
(MAC) units.
• Advanced memory interface with programmable 8/16/32-
bit data and 22-bit address bus with up to 64MB of total
memory space for Flash, ROM, SRAM, SDRAM, and
external peripherals.
Functional Diagram
up to
3 External
PCI Masters
XceleRouter is a trademark of Micrel, Inc. AMD is a registered trademark of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. ARM is a trademark of Advanced RISC Machines Ltd.
Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. WinCE is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Micrel Inc. • 2180 Fortune Drive • San Jose, CA 95131 • USA • tel +1 (408) 944-0800 • fax + 1 (408) 474-1000 • http://www.micrel.com
May 2006