Write Operation
Once the last address bit (A3) has been clocked into
the SDI input, the “Write” operation will proceed
through an idle period, lasting three SCLK periods.
Prior to the rising edge of SCLK Cycle # 9 (see Figure
11) the user must begin to apply the 8-bit data word,
that he/she wishes to write to the Microprocessor
Serial Interface,
onto the SDI input pin. The Microprocessor Serial
Interface will latch the value on the SDI input pin, on
the rising edge of SCLK. The user must apply this
word (D0 through D7) serially, in ascending order with
the LSB first.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
R/W A0 A1 A2 A3 0
High Z
0 A6 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7
D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 0 0 0
A4 and A5 are always “0”.
R/W = “1” for “Read” Operations
R/W = “0” for “Write” Operations
- Denotes a “don’t care” value
Figure 15. Microprocessor Serial Interface Data Structure
Simplified Interface Option
The user can simplify the design of the circuitry con-
necting to the Microprocessor Serial Interface by tying
both the SDO and SDI pins together, and reading data
from and/or writing data to this “combined” signal. This
simplification is possible because only one of these
signals are active at any given time. The inactive
signal will be tri-stated.
Rev. P1.00