Ordering number : EN5473
Monolithic Linear IC
LA7437, 7437A
Video Signal Processing IC
for VHS VCR Systems
The LA7437, 7437A is a video signal processing single-
chip IC that handles the PAL-G, B and I, 4.43 NTSC, and
MESECAM formats. IC internal trimming is used to make
the LA7437, 7437A is completely adjustment free, and in
combination with a special-purpose CCD (the
LC89973M) it provides a significant reduction in external
components, including the glass delay line. Thus the
LA7437, 7437A can significantly reduce the signal
processing board manufacturing costs. Furthermore, the
LA7437, 7437A supports the NAP format (NTSC to PAL
conversion) that is poised to become widespread in
Europe, China and other markets.
• Completely adjustment free
The AGC, carrier, deviation, and PB-Y level are
adjustment free.
The YC record current can also be made adjustment free
by using the LA7437, 7437A as the head amplifier.
• Support for NAP and PAL color array correction
Full modulation using a balanced modulator allows
playback and conversion to PAL format of NTSC
signals recorded on tape.
• Crosstalk exclusion in combination with a special-
purpose CCD
Crosstalk can be excluded without using a glass delay
line by combining the LA7437, 7437A with a special-
purpose CCD (the LC89973M).
• Minimal number of external components
New built-in components:
— Detail enhancer CR
— C-trap in the Y low-pass filter
— Playback C low-pass filter
• High performance and multiple functions
Linear phase picture controller
Double high-pass noise canceller, high-speed AFC,
New built-in functions
— NAP circuit
— AVNS (advanced vertical noise suppresor)
— Automatic QH insertion
• Miniature package (42-pin DIP)
Package Dimensions
unit: mm
[LA7437, 7437A]
SANYO Electric Co.,Ltd. Semiconductor Bussiness Headquarters
TOKYO OFFICE Tokyo Bldg., 1-10, 1 Chome, Ueno, Taito-ku, TOKYO, 110 JAPAN
41096HA (OT) No. 5473-1/8