LA1816, 1816M
How to use the LA1816
1. VCO stop
The VCO is stopped by shorting pin 10 and pin 8 (VCC pin).
Note) The maximum supply voltage on pin 10 must not exceed the voltage on pin 8.
2. Free-running frequency check
Either of the following two methods is used to check the free-running frequency.
(a) Connect pin 12 to a frequency counter through the high input impedance amplifier.
Figure 1
(b) Connect the connection point of the semifixed resistor connected to pin 12 and the fixed resistor to a frequency counter
through the resistor of 240 kΩ or greater.
How the error changes with the resistor value is shown in Figure 2.
∆F – RX
RX – Ω
Figure 2
3. How to use the FM DET coil
For pin 17 (FM DET), a coil may be used instead of adjustment-free FM discriminator.
1 – 3 10T
Qo = 90
f = 10.7 MHz
82 pF internal
Figure 3 How to use the FM DET coil
Figure 4 FM DET Coil Characteristics
Pin 4 (IF) input
Figure 5 FM DET Coil Characteristics
ANT input voltage – dBµ
ANT input voltage – dBµ