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SP1674B 데이터 시트보기 (PDF) - Signal Processing Technologies

Signal Processing Technologies 
SP1674B Datasheet PDF : 15 Pages
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shown in Table 1, and the internal control logic is
shown in a simplified schematic in Figure 4.
Conversion Start
A conversion may be initiated by a logic transition
on any of the three inputs: CE, CS R/C, as shown
in Table 1. The last of the three to reach the correct
state starts the conversion, so one, two or all three
may be dynamically controlled. The nominal de-
lay from each is the same and all three may change
state simultaneously. In order to assure that a
particular input controls the start of conversion, the
other two should be setup at least 50ns earlier.
Refer to the convert mode timing specifications.
The Convert Start timing diagram is shown in
Figure 6.
The output signal STS is the status flag and goes
high only when a conversion is in progress.
While STS is high, the output buffers remain in
a high impedance state so that data can not be
read. Also, when STS is high, an additional Start
Convert will not reset the converter or reinitiate
a conversion. Note, if A0 changes state after a
conversion begins, an additional Start Convert
command will latch the new state of A0 and
possibly cause a wrong cycle length for that
conversion (8–versus 12–bits).
CE CS R/C 12/8 A0
0 x x x x None
x 1 x x x None
0 0 x 0 Initiate 12–Bit Conversion
0 0 x 1 Initiate 8–Bit Conversion
0 x 0 Initiate 12–Bit Conversion
0 x 1 Initiate 8–Bit Conversion
x 0 Initiate 12–Bit Conversion
x 1 Initiate 8–Bit Conversion
1 0 1 1 x Enable 12–Bit Output
1 0 1 0 0 Enable 8 MSB's Only
1 0 1 0 1 Enable 4 LSB's plus 4
Trailing Zeroes
Table 1. SPx74B Control Input Truth Table
Conversion Length
A conversion start transition latches the state of A0
as shown in Figure 4 and Table 1. The latched state
determines if the conversion stops with 8–bits (A0
high) or continues for 12–bits (A0 low). If all 12–
bits are read following an 8–bit conversion, the
three LSB’s will be a logic “0” and DB will be a
logic “1”. A is latched because it is also involved
in enabling the output buffers as explained else-
where. No other control inputs are latched.
Stand–Alone Operation
The simplest interface is a control line connected
to R/C. The other controls must be tied to known
states as follows: CE and 12/8 are wired high, A0
and CS are wired low. The output data arrives in
words of 12–bits each. The limits on R/C duty
cycle are shown in Figures 8 and 9. The duty cycle
may be within and including the extremes shown
in the specifications. In general, data may be read
when R/C is high unless STS is also high, indicat-
ing a conversion is in progress.
Reading Output Data
The output data buffers remain in a high imped-
ance state until the following four conditions are
met: R/C is high, STS is low, CE is high and CS is
low. The data lines become active in response to
these four conditions, and output data according to
the conditions of the control lines 12/8 and A0. The
timing diagram for this process is shown in Figure
7. When 12/8 is high, all 12 data outputs become
active simultaneously and the A input is ignored.
The 12/8 input is usually tied high or low; it is TTL/
CMOS compatible. When 12/8 is low, the output
is separated into two 8–bit bytes as shown below:
xxxx xxxx
xxxx 0000
This configuration makes it easy to connect to an
8–bit data bus as shown in Figure 5. The A0 control
can be connected to the least significant bit of the
address bus in order to store the output data into
two consecutive memory locations. When A0 is
pulled low, the 8 MSB’s are enabled only. When
A0 is high, the 8 MSB’s are disabled, bits 4 through
7 are forced to a zero and the four LSB’s are
enabled. The two byte format is “left justified data”
as shown above and can be considered to have a
decimal point or binary to the left of byte 1.
12–Bit Sampling A/D Converters
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