Analog Devices
Touch Screen Digitizer

Analog Devices
Programmable Frequency Sweep and Output Burst Waveform Generator

Analog Devices
10-Bit Digital Temperature Sensor (AD7416) and Four Single-Channel ADCs (AD7417/AD7418)

Analog Devices
Precision ±2 g Dual Axis, PWM Output Accelerometer

Analog Devices
1 MSPS, 12-/10-/8-Bit ADCs in 6-Lead SOT-23

Analog Devices
2 ADC, 8 DAC, 96 kHz, 24-Bit Σ-Δ Codec

Analog Devices
16-Bit, 1 LSB INL, 1 MSPS Differential ADC

Analog Devices
4 ADC with PLL, 192 kHz, 24-Bit Codec

Analog Devices
8-/10-Channel, Low Voltage, Low Power, Σ-∆ ADCs

Analog Devices
Dual 8-,10-,12-Bit High Bandwidth Multiplying DACs with Serial Interface

Analog Devices
5 V Single Supply, 8-Channel 14-Bit 285 kSPS Sampling ADC

Analog Devices
250 kSPS, 12-Bit Impedance Converter, Network Analyzer

Analog Devices
Low Power, +2.3 V to +5.5 V, 50 MHz Complete DDS

Analog Devices
8-Channel, Software-Selectable True Bipolar Input, 12-Bit Plus Sign ADC

Analog Devices
Small, Low Power, 3-Axis ±16 g Accelerometer

Analog Devices
Evaluation Board AD766X/AD767X

Analog Devices
2 ADC, 6 DAC, 96 kHz, 24-Bit Σ-Δ- Codec