Xicor -> Intersil
The X88064 is a high speed byte wide microperipheral device with eight 1K byte blocks of E2PROM and can be directly connected to industry standard high performance microprocessors. This peripheral provides two levels of memory write control, the standard Software Data Program (SDP) control and Block Lock.
• Block Lock Write Control
—Eight 1K Byte Blocks
- Lockable Independently or in Combination
• Multiplexed Address/Data Bus
—Direct Interface to Popular Microcontrollers
• High Performance CMOS
—Fast Access Times, 60ns and 80 ns
—Low Power
- 30mA Active Maximum
- 150µA Standby Maximum
• Software Data Protection
• Toggle Bit Polling
—Early End of Write Detection
• Page Mode Write
—Allows up to 32 Bytes to be Written in One Write Cycle