Vishay Semiconductors
Low-Profile, Surface-Mount Side Lookers
1 mm Height, Side-view Infrared Emitters and Photo PIN Diodes
Vishay’s 1 mm height emitters and detector have the best performance on the market. The emitters have the highest radiant intensity and feature the highest DC operating current up to 52 °C. At a 40 °C ambient temperature, the radiant intensity of the Vishay part is higher than the competing emitters by more than a factor of 2. The photo PIN diode has the lowest dark current, which results in the best signal-to-noise ratio.
Detector – VEMD10940F
• wavelength of peak sensitivity, λP = 920 nm
• Reverse light current, Ira = 3 µA
• Low dark current: Iro = 1 nA
• Daylight filter
• operating temperature range:
–40 °C to +100 °C
• Emitting wavelength, λP
– VSMB10940 = 940 nm
– VSMG10850 = 850 nm
• Angle of half intensity:
– horizontal: φh = ± 77.5°
– Vertical: φV = ± 72.5°
• Radiant intensity, Ie = 1 mw/sr
• operating temperature range:
–40 °C to + 85 °C
• Infrared touch panels
• Space-constrained assemblies