NEC => Renesas Technology
The µPG2106TB and µPG2110TB are GaAs MMIC for PA driver amplifier which were developed for mobile phone and another L-band application. These devices can operate with 3.0 V TYP., having the high gain and low distortion.
These devices are housed in a 6-pin super minimold package. And this package is able to high-density surface mounting.
• Operation frequency : µPG2106TB : fopt = 889 to 960 MHz
: µPG2110TB : fopt = 1 429 to 1 453 MHz
• Supply voltage : µPG2106TB, µPG2110TB : VDD1, 2 = 2.7 to 3.3 V (3.0 V TYP.)
• Circuit current : µPG2106TB, µPG2110TB : IDD = 25 mA TYP. @ VDD1, 2 = 3.0 V, VAGC = 2.5 V, Pout = +8 dBm
• High power gain : µPG2106TB : GP = 30 dB TYP. @ VDD1, 2 = 3.0 V, VAGC = 2.5 V, Pin = −18 dBm
: µPG2110TB : GP = 27 dB TYP. @ VDD1, 2 = 3.0 V, VAGC = 2.5 V, Pin = −18 dBm
• Gain control range : µPG2106TB, µPG2110TB : GCR = 40 dB TYP. @ VDD1, 2 = 3.0 V, VAGC = 0.5 to 2.5 V,
Pin = −18 dBm
• Low distortion : µPG2106TB : Padj1 = −60 dBc TYP. @ VDD1, 2 = 3.0 V, VAGC = 2.5 V,
Pout = +8 dBm, f = 925 MHz, ∆f = ±50 kHz, 21 kHz Bandwidth
: µPG2110TB : Padj1 = −60 dBc TYP. @ VDD1, 2 = 3.0 V, VAGC = 2.5 V,
Pout = +8 dBm, f = 1 441 MHz, ∆f = ±50 kHz, 21 kHz Bandwidth
• High-density surface mounting : 6-pin super minimold package (2.0 × 1.25 × 0.9 mm)
• Digital Cellular: PDC 800 MHz, PDC 1.5 GHz etc.