NEC => Renesas Technology
The µPD784031Y is based on the µPD784031 with an I2C bus control function appended, and is ideal for applications in audio-visual systems.
The µPD784031Y is a ROM-less version of µPD784035Y and 784036Y.
-78K/IV Series
-Pin-compatible with µPD78234 Subseries,µPD784026 Subseries, and µPD784038 Subseries
-Minimum instruction execution time: 125 ns (@ 32-MHz operation)
-I/O ports: 46
-Serial interface: 3 channels
UART/IOE (3-wire serial I/O): 2 channels
CSI (3-wire serial I/O, 2-wire serial I/O, I2C bus): 1 channel
-PWM output: 2 outputs
16-bit Timer/counter x 3 units
16-bit Timer x 1 unit
-Standby function
-Clock division function
-Watchdog timer: 1 channel
-A/D converter: 8-bit resolution x 8 channels
-D/A converter: 8-bit resolution x 2 channels
-Supply voltage: VDD= 2.7 to 5.5 V