Philips Electronics
The TEA5591 is an integrated radio circuit which is designed for use in portable receivers and clock radios. The IC is also applicable to mains-fed AM an AM/FM receivers and car radio-receivers. The main advantage of this IC is its ability to operate over a wide range of supply voltages without loss of performance. The AM circuit incorporates a balanced mixer and a ‘one-pin’ oscillator, which operates in the 0.6 MHz to 30 MHz frequency range, with amplitude control. The circuit also includes an IF amplifier, a detector and an AGC circuit which controls the IF amplifier and the mixer. The FM circuit incorporates an RF amplifier, a balanced mixer and a ‘one-pin’ oscillator together with two AC coupled IF amplifiers (with distributed selectivity), a quadrature demodulator for the ceramic filter and internal AFC.
• DC AM/FM switch facility
• Three internal separate stabilizers to enable operation over
a wide range of supply voltages (1.8 to 15 V)
• All pins (except pin 9) are ESD protected.