Philips Electronics
The TEA5570 is a monolithic integrated radio circuit for use in portable receivers and clock radios. The IC is also applicable to mains-fed AM and AM/FM receivers and car radio-receivers. Apart from the AM/FM switch function the IC incorporates for AM a double balanced mixer, 'one-pin' oscillator, i.f. amplifier with a.g.c. and detector, and a level detector for tuning indication. The FM circuitry comprises i.f. stages with a symmetrical limiter for a ratio detector. A level detector for mono/stereo switch information and/or indication complete the FM part.
• Simple d.c. switching for AM to FM by only one d.c. contact to ground (no switch contacts in the i.f. channel, a.f. or level detector outputs)
• AM and FM gain control
• Low current consumption (Itot = 6 mA)
• Low voltage operation (VP= 2,7 to 9 V)
• Ability to handle large AM signals; good i.f. suppression
• Applicable for inductive, capacitive and diode tuning
• Double smoothing of a.g.c. line
• Short-wave range up to 30 MHz
• Lumped or distributed i.f. selectivity with coil and/or ceramic filters
• AM and a.g.c. output voltage control
• Distribution of PCB wiring provides good frequency stability
• Economic design for 'AM only' receivers.