Philips Electronics
The TDA8349A is a multistandard IF amplifier and demodulator with AGC and AFC functions for television receivers. The device has a video recognition circuit and a video switch for internal or external video for full SCART applications.
• Full-range gain-controlled wideband IF amplifier up to 60 MHz
• Wide-band video amplifier with good linearity and a class AB output stage to ensure a very low output impedance
• Supply independent video output level
• Small second harmonic IF output
• AGC circuit which operates on top sync level (negative modulation) or on white level (positive modulation) or on top
level (MAC) with reduced sensitivity for high sound carriers
• AFC circuit with an internal 90°phase shift circuit, a sample-and-hold circuit for negatively modulated signals to reduce
video dependent AFC information and an analog or digital output
• Video recognition possibility based on horizontal pulse duty cycles
• Video switch for selection of internal or external video signals
• Wide supply voltage range and ripple rejection
• Requires few external components
• Tuner AGC output for npn and pnp tuners