The TDA7850LV is a MOSFET class AB audio power amplifier, designed for high-power car radio. In addition to the outstanding output current capability and distortion performance, the TDA7850LV is extremely robust against several kinds of fortuitous misconnections.
It is, moreover, compliant to the most recent OEM specifications for low voltage operation (the so called start-stop battery profile during engine stop) and features a very compact design in BCD technology.
◾ High output power capability:
– 4 x 50 W/4 Ω max.
– 4 x 30 W/4 Ω @ 14.4 V, 1 kHz, 10 %
– 4 x 80 W/2 Ω max.
– 4 x 53 W/2 Ω @ 14.4V, 1 kHz, 10 %
◾ MOSFET output power stage
◾ Capable to operate in low voltage conditions
(e.g.: “Start - Stop”)
◾ Excellent 2 Ω driving capability
◾ Hi-Fi class distortion
◾ Low output noise
◾ Standby function and mute function
◾ Automute at min. supply voltage detection
◾ Low external component count:
– Internally fixed gain (26 dB)
– No external compensation
– No bootstrap capacitors
◾ On board 0.35 A high side driver
◾ Extreme robustness against any kind of short
to GND
◾ Output short circuit to GND, to Vs, across the
◾ Very inductive loads
◾ Overrating chip temperature with soft thermal
◾ Output DC offset detection
◾ Load dump voltage
◾ Fortuitous open GND
◾ Reversed battery