TriQuint Semiconductor
The T1P3002028-SP is a POWERBANDTM discrete pHEMT, depletion mode, RF Power transistor designed to operate from 500MHz to 2GHz in wide-band circuits. The device has an instantaneous band-width P1dB output power of 20watts across the entire band when operated in the TriQuint wide-band test fixture. The T1P3002028-SP can also be used in narrow band applications and is rated at 26Watts P1dB at 2GHz.
— Pulse Characterization
— Exceptional Instantaneous band-width performance from 500MHz – 2GHz
— Increased efficiency results in significant advantages
— Smaller and lighter systems
— Reduced system component costs
— Reduced energy consumption
— Typical Performance ratings
— Wide-Band 500MHz-2GHz (as tested in TriQuint Wideband Fixture)
— 10dB gain
— 50% Efficiency
— 20Watt P1dB
— Narrow Band up to 2GHz
— 12dB gain
— 58% efficiency
— 26Watt P1dB