Quick Reference
The ST7282A5/B5 is a 32K ROM version of the ST72 family, using the ST72CORE and N-Wel
technology. It is derived from EPROM M4 version replacing EPROM by ROM.
Two different commercial products are supported by this device : ST7282A5 (no LCD driver) func
tionnality described in specification SD70KL1618 ed. F) and ST7282B5 (LCD driver) functionnality
described in specification 96096 ed. B). It contains an LCD controller/driver with 20 segment and 16 backplane outputs able to drive up to 20 x 16 = 320 segments.
The LCD control logic reads automatically data from the LCD-RAM independently from the ST7282 B5.
■ ST72-Core
■ Controller/Driver for max. 20 ×16, 28 ×8 or 32 ×4
■ LCD segments (ST7LCD4)
■ 56 bytes LCD-RAM
■ 864 bytes data RAM
■ 512 bytes EEPROM (eep2a)
■ 32Kbytes program ROM
■ 24 digital I/O (ST7 IO3) with pull up, interrupt input, analog input, push-pull/ open drain output
■ 36 LCD/IO combi pins (ST7 LCIO1) with pull-up, interrupt input, push-pull, open drain output, LCD output
■ 16 bit reload timer (ST7TIM4)
■ Watchdog Timer (ST7 WD2)
■ 8 bit synchronous serial I/O (ST7SIO)
■ 8 bit A/D Converter (ST7ADC2)
■ RDS Demodulator (ST7 RDS BD)
■ Group & Block Sync Module for RDS (ST7RDS GB)
■ RDS filter (ST7 RDS FI)
■ LCD Synchro IN / Out
■ System Frequency 8.55 MHz