The ST72334J/N, ST72314J/N and ST72124J devices are members of the ST7 microcontroller family. They can be grouped as follows:
– ST72334J/N devices are designed for mid-range applications with Data EEPROM, ADC, SPI and SCI interface capabilities.
– ST72314J/N devices target the same range of applications but without Data EEPROM.
– ST72124J devices are for applications that do not need Data EEPROM and the ADC peripheral.
All devices are based on a common industrystandard 8-bit core, featuring an enhanced instruction set.
The ST72C334J/N, ST72C314J/N and ST72C124J versions feature single-voltage FLASH memory with byte-by-byte In-Situ Programming (ISP) capability.
■ Memories
– 8K or 16K Program memory (ROM or single voltage FLASH) with read-out protection and in-situ programming (remote ISP)
– 256 bytes EEPROM Data memory (with readout protection option in ROM devices)
– 384 or 512 bytes RAM
■ Clock, Reset and Supply Management
– Enhanced reset system
– Enhanced low voltage supply supervisor with
3 programmable levels
– Clock sources: crystal/ceramic resonator oscillators or RC oscillators, external clock,
backup Clock Security System
– 4 Power Saving Modes: Halt, Active-Halt, Wait and Slow
– Beep and clock-out capabilities
■ Interrupt Management
– 10 interrupt vectors plus TRAP and RESET
– 15 external interrupt lines (4 vectors)
■ 44 or 32 I/O Ports
– 44 or 32 multifunctional bidirectional I/O lines:
– 21 or 19 alternate function lines
– 12 or 8 high sink outputs
■ 4 Timers
– Configurable watchdog timer
– Realtime base
– Two 16-bit timers with: 2 input captures (only one on timer A), 2 output compares (only one on timer A), External clock input on timer A, PWM and Pulse generator modes
■ 2 Communications Interfaces
– SPI synchronous serial interface
– SCI asynchronous serial interface (LIN compatible)
■ 1 Analog Peripheral
– 8-bit ADC with 8 input channels (6 only on ST72334Jx, not available on ST72124J2)
■ Instruction Set
– 8-bit data manipulation
– 63 basic instructions
– 17 main addressing modes
– 8 x 8 unsigned multiply instruction
– True bit manipulation
■ Development Tools
– Full hardware/software development package