ST52E301 (1) and ST52T301 (1) devices are membersof the W.A.R.P.family of 8-bit DuaLogic microcontrollers. They are able to perform, in an efficientway, both booleanand fuzzyalgorithms, in order to reach the best performances that the two methodologies allow.
The ST52E301is the erasable EPROM version and the ST52T301 is the OTP version.
■ High Speed dedicatedstructuresforFuzzy Logic (3.5 µs to compute a 4 In x 1 Out rule)
■ Capability to perform simple boolean and arithmetic operations
■ Up to 4 Input,2 OutputConfigurableVariables for each Fuzzy Algorithm and up to 300 Rules
■ Up to 16 Triangularand TrapezoidalMembership Functions for each Input variable
■ Up to 256 Singleton Membership Functions for all Consequents
■ Program and Data EPROM: 2 Kbytes
■ 16 general purpose registers available as Register File
■ Working Clock Frequencies:5, 10 and 20MHz
■ On-Chip Clock Oscillator driven by Quartz Crystal or Ceramic Resonator
■ One external interrupt
■ Standard TTL compatible input
■ CMOS compatible output
■ 4 channel 8 bit Analog to Digital Converter
■ Bandgap reference 2.5V
■ Digital 8 bit I/O port indepedentlyprogrammable with handshake signal
■ Serial Communic ation Interface with asynchronousprotocol (UART)
■ Programmable Timer with internal Prescaler
■ Internal Power Fuzzy Control to drive external Triac (up to 25mA source, 50 mA sink current)
■ Internal Fuzzy controlled PWM to drive an external power device
■ Software tools and Emulators availability
■ Windowed and One Time Programmable (OTP) Memory parts available for prototyping and production phases
■ 44 pinPlastic (PLCC44) and Ceramic Windowed Leaded Chip Carrier (CLCC44-W)