Signal Processing Technologies
The SP7545 is a low–cost, high stability 12–bit CMOS multiplying DAC with on–board data latches. The SP7545 is constructed using a proprietary low–TCR thin–film process that requires no laser–trimming to achieve 12–bit performance. With no laser–trimming, inherent high stability, and a segmented (decoded) DAC architecture, the SP7545 retains its performance over time and temperature. The SP7545 is available for use in commercial and industrial temperature ranges. It is available in 20–pin plastic DIP and PLCC packages.
■ ±1.0 LSB Relative Accuracy Over Temperature
■ Monotonic to 12–Bits Over Temperature
■ High Stability, Segmented Architecture
■ Proprietary, Low TCR Thin–Film Resistor Technology
■ Operates With +5V to +15V Power Supplies
■ On-Board, Level–Triggered Latches
■ 2kVESD Protection on all Digital Inputs