DATEL Data Acquisition products
The SHM-12 is an extremely high-speed and accurate monolithic sample-and-hold amplifier designed for fast data acquisition applications. The SHM-12 is accurate (±1LSB at 12 bits over the full military temperature range) and is very fast (10ns and 15ns acquisition times to accuracies of 10 and 12- bits, respectively). With this high performance and a full power bandwidth of 55MHz, the SHM-12 is an ideal device for driving flash and high-resolution subranging A/D converters.
• Fast acquisition time:
10ns to ±0.1%
15ns to ±0.024%
20ns to ±0.012%
• ±0.006% Nonlinearity
• 65µVrms output noise
• 120MHz small signal bandwidth
• 55MHz full power bandwidth
• –80dB feedthrough
• 1ps Aperture jitter
• 250mW power dissipation
• Low cost