Mechanical configuration
SD series distribution boxes have a configuration in blocks: minimum 1, maximum 5.
Blocks are of two types: double block and triple block.
Each double block can distribute maximum the following connections:
4 ways of cable connection if Ø ≤ 6.5 mm, or
2 ways of cable connection if Ø > 6 mm and Ø < 9, or
2 ways of connectors.
Triple blocks have 1 further connector on the top side.
Hybrid configurations contain cable blocks and connector blocks.
Below, a few examples of possible shapes are shown, exchanging the blocks between them, it is possible to get many more combinations.
See also tables SD20 (page 43-6) and SD30 (page 43-12) for simple combinations.
SP series have smaller dimensions and can distribute only cables, up to 6 blocks in single line; see configurations examples at the end of the chapter.