Silan Microelectronics
The SC9149A/SC9150A are CMOS LSIs designed for use on the infrared remote control receiver, and when this LSI is used in combination with SC9148A for transmitter, the remote control system can be constructed. The SC9149A is DIP-16 type and is capable of controlling 10 functions, while the SC9150A is DIP-24 type and is capable of controlling 18 functions.
* Able to output parallel multiple keying signals sent from the transmitter (The SC9149A is able to output parallel up to 5 functions, while the SC9150A is able to output parallel up to 6 functions.)
* Output for single pulse, hold pulse and cyclic pulse are provided. (cyclic pulse is available only for SC9150A)
* A single terminal type oscillator by means of CR is provided.
* Code detection circuit provided for code check with the transmitter prevents inter-ferences from various types of machines and apparatus.