Philips Electronics
The SAA7199B encodes digital baseband colour/video data into analog Y, C and CVBS signals (S-video included). Pixel clock and data are line-locked to the horizontal scanning frequency of the video signal. The circuit can be used in a square pixel or in a consumer TV application. Flexibility is provided by programming facilities via MPU-bus (parallel) or I2C-bus (serial).
• Monolithic integrated CMOS video encoder circuit
• Standard MPU (12 lines) and I2C-bus interfaces for controls
• Three 8-bit signal inputs PD7 to PD0 for RGB respectively YUV or indexed colour signals (Tables 19 to 26)
• Square pixel and CCIR input data rates
• Band limited composite sync pulses
• Three 256 × 8 colour look-up tables (CLUTs) for example for gamma correction
• External subcarrier from a digital decoder (SAA7151B or SAA7191B)
• Multi-purpose key for real time format switching
• Autonomous internal blanking
• Optional GENLOCK operation with adjustable horizontal sync timing and adjustable subcarrier phase
• Stable GENLOCK operation in VCR standard playback mode
• Optional still video capture extension
• Three suitable video 9-bit digital-to-analog converters
• Composite analog output signals CVBS, Y and C for PAL/NTSC
• Line 21 data insertion possible.