Philips Electronics
The SA5775A is a monolithic driver for controlling air-core (or differential) meters typically used in automotive instrument cluster applications. The circuit interfaces with a microprocessor through a serial bus and directly drives the air-core meter. The SA5775A has 10-bit resolution (0.35 degree) and is guaranteed to be monotonic. Data can be shifted through the part, allowing several SA5775As to be cascaded with only one chip-select line. On-chip current shut down logic protects the circuit from external faults.
• 10-Bit resolution (0.35 degrees)
• Exceptional accuracy (0.25 degrees, typical)
• High-torque capability
• Active differential drivers eliminate back-EMF issues
• No RFI/EMI generation issues
• Simple serial interface
• Simple cascading capability for multiple meters
• Internal fault protection
• Only one external component required (bypass capacitor)
• Instrumentation utilizing air-core meters