S5706BCLQ_ データシート - Freescale Semiconductor

Freescale Semiconductor
MPC560xS Microcontroller Data Sheet
32-bit MCU for cluster applications with stepper motor, TFT graphic controller and LCD driver
The MPC5606S family of devices is designed to enable the development of automotive instrument cluster applications by providing a single-chip solution capable of hosting real-time applications and driving a TFT display directly using an on-chip color TFT display controller.
MPC5606S devices incorporate a cost-efficient host processor core compliant with the Power Architecture™ embedded category. The processor is 100% user-mode compatible with the original PowerPC user instruction set architecture (UISA) and capitalizes on the available development infrastructure of current Power ArchitectureTM devices with full support from available software drivers, operating systems and configuration code to assist with users implementations.
Offering high performance processing at speeds up to 64 MHz, the MPC5606S family is optimized for low power consumption and supports a range of on-chip SRAM and internal flash memories. The 1 MB flash version (MPC5606S) features 160 KB of on-chip graphics SRAM.