Seiko Epson Corp
S1D13705 Embedded Memory LCD Controller
The S1D13705 is a color/monochrome LCD graphics controller with an embedded 80K Byte SRAM display buffer. The high integration of the S1D13705 provides a low cost, low power, single chip solution to meet the requirements of embedded markets such as Office Automation equipment, Mobile Communications devices, and Palm-size PCs where board size and battery life are major concerns.
• Embedded 80K byte SRAM display buffer.
• Direct support for the following CPU’s:
Hitachi SH-3.
Hitachi SH-4.
Motorola M68xxx.
MPU bus interface with programmable READY.
• Resolutions up to:
640x480 at a color depth of 2 bpp.
640x240 at a color depth of 4 bpp.
320x240 at a color depth of 8 bpp.
• Up to 256 simultaneous colors from a possible 4096 colors on passive LCD panels and active matrix TFT/D-TFD LCD panels.
• Register level support for EL panels.
• Hardware Portrait Mode
• Split Screen Display
• Virtual Display Support
• LCD power-down sequencing.