QD0056C light controller
The garland control microcontroller is made in the form of a small board with 10 pins, having four outputs that, through limiting resistors, directly control thyristors MCR 100-6 rated for a current of 0.6-0.8A at voltages up to 400V, in some devices control electrodes of thyristors are connected to the outputs of the microcontroller directly without resistors.
The following functions are available:
1. automatic continuous search of all available combinations
2. wave forward and backward (two speeds)
3. Shuanodenq Happy Valley (four speeds) (sequencial)
4. one lamp slowly goes out (three speeds)
5. twinkling stars with a change in duration
6. Four lamps gradually go out (three speeds)
7. stars twinkle (twinkle/flash)
8. all lights are on
* Christmas lights
* DISCO running lights
* Decorative lighting
* Advertising lights