Infineon Technologies
General Information
The SAB 82525 is a High-Level Serial Communication Controller compatible to the SAB 82520
HSCC with extended features and functionality (HSCX). The SAB 82526 is pin and software compatible to the SAB 82525, realizing one HDLC channel (channel B). The HSCX has been designed to implement high-speed communication links using HDLC protocols and to reduce the hardware and software overhead needed for serial synchronous communications.
Serial Interface
Two independent full-duplex HDLC channels (SAB 82526: one channel)
–On chip clock generation or external clock source
–On chip DPLL for clock recovery for each channel
–Two independent baudrate generators (SAB 82526: one baudrate generator)
–Independent time-slot assignment for each channel with programmable time-slot length (1-256 bit)
Different modes of data encoding
Modem control lines (RTS, CTS, CD)
Support of bus configuration by collision resolution
Programmable bit inversion
Transparent receive/transmit of data bytes without HDLC framing
Continuous transmission of 1 to 32 bytes possible
Data rate up to 4 Mbit/s