PMC-Sierra, Inc
• Quad channel ATM and Packet over
SONET OC-3c (155 Mbit/s) PHY.
• Provides on-chip clock and data
recovery and clock synthesis.
• Exceeds Bellcore-GR-253 jitter
• Inserts and extracts ATM cells or POS packets into/from SONET SPE.
• Filters and captures Automatic Protection Switch byes (K1 and K2) and detects APS byte failure.
• Detects signal degrade and signal failure thresholds crossing alarms.
• Captures and debounces synchronization status byte (S1).
• Extracts and inserts the 16- or 64-byte section trace (J0) and path trace (J1) messages.
• Extracts and inserts section/line data communication channels (DCC).
• Provides circuitry to meet holdover, wander and long term stability.
• Provides a generic 8-bit microprocessor interface for device control and register access.
• Provides standard IEEE 1149.1 JTAG test port for boundary scan.
• Implements the ATM Forum User
Network Interface Specification.
• Performs cell payload scrambling and
• Provides a UTOPIA Level 2-compliant
system interface.
• Provides synchronous 4-cell transmit
and receive FIFO buffers.
• Generic design that supports packet based protocols like PPP, HDLC and Frame Relay.
• Implements the PPP over SONET/ SDH specification according to RFC 1619 and 1662 of the IETF.
• Performs flag sequence detection and insertion.
• Performs CRC-CCITT and CRC-32 FCS generation and validation.
• Performs byte stuffing and destuffing.
• Checks for minimum and maximum packet lengths.
• Low power, 3.3 V CMOS technology.
• Packaged in a 304-pin Ball Grid Array (BGA) package.
• Industrial temp. range (-40° to +85°C).
• WAN and Edge ATM Switches
• Multiprotocol Switches
• Layer 3 Switches
• Routers, Packet Switches, and Hubs